Sew Lovely by Randi

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North Key Dr, Cape Coral, FL 33903

Cape Coral


Loved one's that love the art of craftiness! We are a humble shop with even humbler beginnings. My fiance', Randi, has always loved crafting, when we first met she had boxes and boxes (and boxes) of hand made jewelry. She just made it for fun, it brought her joy, and she had no intentions of taking it further. I was impressed with the quality and the overall look of the jewelry, these were items that should be on a shelf somewhere I thought to myself. So I nudged her to try selling, and we did, at craft shows, flea markets, and through Facebook. In May of 2014 we were blessed with our first child, little Bruce. Randi slowed down on the jewelry making and started joining mom groups on Facebook when she became pregnant. Of course there were other crafty moms making cute items for their children, and Randi told me, "I think I could make that." So like any good husband I supported her and out I went and bought here a sewing machine. Then an embroidery machine. (Now we have a mini workshop in our bedroom, and there are more "machines" that Randi "needs", but for the time being my proverbial foot has been put down. We'll see how long that lasts.) So now Randi spends her days sewing, embroidering, and crafting for little ones and she loves what she does, and that makes me happy. Watching her create, I was bitten by the pinterest bug. So now we create things together, we did such a good job with Bruce, why not? -Bryan

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